Webinar "EGMP: The Platform's Structure, Processes and Objectives"
Webinar "EGMP: The Platform's Structure, Processes and Objectives"
The webinar "EGMP: The Platform's Structure, Processes and Objectives" took place on 3 March 2022.
The webinar answered fundamental questions shedding light on the complex processes aimed at ensuring sustainable use and management of goose populations in Europe. The webinar also provided a brief introduction to the main policy documents that have been developed and adopted by the EGMP.
Mr Sergey Dereliev who is the head of Science, Implementation and Compliance Unit at the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat gave the introduction and moderated the webinar. The webinar was lead by Ms Eva Meyers, EGMP Coordinator, representing the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat and Ms Gitte Høj Jensen, EGMP Goose Monitoring Coordinator at the Aarhus University, representing EGMP Data Centre.
The webinar recording is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3md-vl2WfA
The presentations made at the webinar are available below.