Agriculture Task Force

Agriculture Task Force

The Agriculture Task Force was established in June 2017 in line with Rule 29 of the European Goose Management International Working Group (EGM IWG) Modus Operandi, according to which the EGM IWG may establish species and/or thematic Task Forces as necessary to deal with the preparation and coordination of decision papers and background documents, as well as to deal with other specific tasks.

At the 2nd Meeting of the EGM IWG (EGM IWG2) in June 2017, both the generic (AEWA/EGMIWG/Inf. 3.14) and the Agriculture Task Force (AEWA/EGMIWG/Inf. 3.15) Terms of Reference were adopted and the establishment of the Agriculture Task Force and species-specific task forces for the Pink-footed Goose and Taiga Bean Goose were recommended.

The Secretariat, leading the establishment of the task forces, identified Ms Ingunn Tombre as Coordinator for the Agriculture Task Force.

In line with the Terms of Reference, the nomination of additional members to the Task Force is at the discretion of the National Government Representative of each Range State and the Coordinator of the Task Force.


Dr Ingunn Tombre, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research


