Peer-Review Publications

Peer-Review Publications

2024 Publications

De Jager, M., Buitendijk, N. H., Wiegers, J. N. (Yannick), Baveco, J. (Hans) M., & Nolet, B. A. (2024). More management, less damage? With increasing population size, economic costs of managing geese to minimize yield losses may outweigh benefits. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119949.

2023 Publications

Boom, M. P., Lameris, T. K., Schreven, K. H. T., Buitendijk, N. H., Moonen, S., De Vries, P. P., Zaynagutdinova, E., Nolet, B. A., Van der Jeugd, H. P., & Eichhorn, G. (2023). Year-round activity levels reveal diurnal foraging constraints in the annual cycle of migratory and non-migratory barnacle geese. Oecologia, 202(2), 287–298.

Buitendijk, N. H., & Nolet, B. A. (2023). Timing and intensity of goose grazing: Implications for grass height and first harvest. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 357, 108681.

De Jager, M., Buitendijk, N. H., Baveco, J. M., Van Els, P., & Nolet, B. A. (2023). Limiting scaring activities reduces economic costs associated with foraging barnacle geese: Results from an individual‐based model. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(9), 1790–1802.

Kölzsch, Andrea, Thomas K. Lameris, Gerhard J. D. M. Müskens, Kees H. T. Schreven, Nelleke H. Buitendijk, Helmut Kruckenberg, Sander Moonen, et al. Wild Goose Chase: Geese Flee High and Far, and with Aftereffects from New Year’s Fireworks. Conservation Letters, November 24, 2022.

Lameris, Thomas K., Olga B. Pokrovskaya, Alexander V. Kondratyev, Yuriy A. Anisimov, Nelleke H. Buitendijk, Petr M. Glazov, Henk P. van der Jeugd, et al. Barnacle Geese Branta Leucopsis Breeding on Novaya Zemlya: Current Distribution and Population Size Estimated from Tracking Data. Polar Biology, December 26, 2022.

Madsen, J., Schreven, K. H. T., Jensen, G. H., Johnson, F. A., Nilsson, L., Nolet, B. A., & Pessa, J. (2023). Rapid formation of new migration route and breeding area by  Arctic geese. Current Biology, 33(6), 1162–1170.

Moonen, S., Ludwig, J., Kruckenberg, H., Müskens, G. J. D. M., Nolet, B. A., van der Jeugd, H. P., & Bairlein, F. (2023). Sharing habitat: Effects of migratory barnacle geese density on meadow breeding waders. Journal for Nature Conservation, 72, 126355.

2022 Publications

Boom, Michiel P., Henk P. Jeugd, Boas Steffani, Bart A. Nolet, Kjell Larsson, and Götz Eichhorn. Postnatal Growth Rate Varies with Latitude in Range‐expanding Geese: The Role of Plasticity and Day Length. Journal of Animal Ecology 91, no. 2 (2022): 417–27.

Buitendijk, N. et al (2022) More grazing, more damage? Assessed yield loss on agricultural grassland relates nonlinearly to goose grazing pressure  

Clausen, K. et al (2022) Waterfowl grazing on winter wheat: Quantifying yield loss and compensatory growth  

           Geisler, Jan, Jesper Madsen, Bart A Nolet, and Kees H T Schreven. Sea Crossings of Migratory Pink‐footed Geese: Seasonal Effects of Winds on Flying and Stopping Behaviour. Journal of Avian Biology 2022, no. 10 (2022): e02985.

Heldbjerg, H. et al (2022) Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis derogation shooting effort in relation to abundance and vulnerable crops  

Honka, J. et al (2022) Genetic assessment reveals inbreeding, possible hybridization, and low levels of genetic structure in a declining goose population  

Johnson, F. et al (2022) Assessing the value of monitoring to biological inference and expected management performance for a European goose population  

Johnson, F.A., Heldbjerg, H., Nagy, S. et al. Setting population-size targets for geese causing socio-economic conflicts. Ambio 51, 209–225 (2022).

Månsson, J. et al. (2022) Understanding and overcoming obstacles in adaptive management  

Månsson, J. et al (2022) Migration patterns of Swedish Greylag geese Anser anser - implications for flyway management in a changing world 

Nilsson, L. et al (2022) Leapfrog migration and residents: New migratory habits in Swedish Greylag geese 

Piirone, A. et al (2022) When and where to count? Implications of migratory connectivity and non-breeding distribution to population censuses in a migratory bird population  

Schreven, K. & Voslamber, B. (2022) Neckband loss and its effect on apparent survival estimates in Greylag Geese (Anser anser): variation with season, sex and age  

Teräväinen, M. (2022) Field selection of greylag geese (Anser anser) - Implications for management of set-aside fields to alleviate crop damage

Teräväinen, M. (2022) Push and pull strategies - Behaviour of geese in relation to scaring and set-aside fields.

2021 Publications

Eraud, C., Devaux, T., Villers, A., Johnson, F. A., & Francesiaz, C. (2021). popharvest: An R package to assess the sustainability of harvesting regimes of bird populations. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 16562– 16571.

Johnson, F.A., Koffijberg, K. (2021) Biased monitoring data and an info-gap model for regulating the offtake of greylag geese in Europe. Wildlife Biology 2021(1), wlb.00803-.

Lameris, Thomas K., Adriaan M. Dokter, Henk P. Van der Jeugd, Willem Bouten, Jasper Koster, Stefan H.H. Sand, Coen Westerduin, and Bart A. Nolet. Nocturnal Foraging Lifts Time Constraints in Winter for Migratory Geese but Hardly Speeds up Fueling. Behavioral Ecology 32, no. 3 (2021): 539–52.

Schreven, Kees H. T., Christian Stolz, Jesper Madsen, and Bart A. Nolet. Nesting Attempts and Success of Arctic-Breeding Geese Can Be Derived with High Precision from Accelerometry and GPS-Tracking. Animal Biotelemetry 9, no. 1 (December 2021): 25.

Tombre, I.M, Fredriksen F., Jerpstad O., Østnes J.O., Eythorsson E. (2021) Population control by means of organised hunting effort: Experiences from a voluntary goose hunting arrangement. Ambio.

2020 Publications

Johnson, F.A., Zimmerman, G.S., Jensen, G.H, Clausen, K.K., Frederiksen, M., Madsen, J. (2020). Using integrated population models for insights into monitoring programs: An application using pink-footed geese, Ecological Modelling, Volume 415, 108869,
ISSN 0304-3800,

Lam, S.S., Tjørnløy, R. S., Sonne, C., Therkildsen, O. R., Christensen, T. K., Madsen, J., Daugaard-Petersen, T., Ortiz, J. M. C., Peng, W., Charbonneaux, M., Rivas, E. I., Garbus, S.-E., Lyngs, P., Siebert, U., Dietz, R., Maier-Sam, K., Lierz, M., Tombre, I. M., Andersen-Ranberg, E. U. & Sonne, C. (2020). Seroprevalence of avian influenza in Baltic common eiders (Somateria mollissima) and pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus). Environment International 142: 105873.

Montràs-Janer, T., Knape, J., Stoessel, M., Nilsson, L., Pärt, T., Tombre, I. & Månsson, J. (2020). Spatio-temporal patterns of crop damage caused by geese, swans and cranes—Implications for crop damage prevention. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 300, 107001. Link

         Nolet, Bart A, Kees H T Schreven, Michiel P Boom, and Thomas K Lameris. Contrasting Effects of the Onset of Spring on Reproductive Success of Arctic-Nesting Geese. The Auk 137, no. 1 (January 7, 2020): ukz063.

Oudman, T., Laland, K. N., Ruxton, G., Tombre, I. M., Shimmings, P. & Prop, J. (2020). Young Birds Switch but Old Birds Lead: How Barnacle Geese Adjust Migratory Habits to Environmental Change.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7:502. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00502

2019 Publications

Clausen, K. K., Balsby, T. J., Goma, V., & Madsen, J. (2019). Using re-sighting data to estimate population size of Pink-footed Geese (Anser brachyrhynchus). Ornis Fennica, 96(3). Link

Cusack, J. J., Duthie, A. B., Rakotonarivo, O. S., Pozo, R. A., Mason, T. H., Månsson, J., Nilsson L., Tombre, I.M., Eythórsson, E., Madsen J., Tulloch, A., Hearn R.D., Redpath S., Bunnefeld N. (2019). Time series analysis reveals synchrony and asynchrony between conflict management effort and increasing large grazing bird populations in northern Europe. Conservation letters, 12(1), e12450. doi: 10.1111/conl.12450

         Eichhorn, Götz, Manfred R. Enstipp, Jean-Yves Georges, Dennis Hasselquist, and Bart A. Nolet. Resting Metabolic Rate in Migratory and Non-Migratory Geese Following Range Expansion; Go South, Go Low. Oikos, 2019.

Hitchcock, D., Andersen, T., Varpe, Ø., Loonen, M., Warner, N., Herzke, D., Tombre, I., Griffin, L., Shimmings, P., Borgå, K. 2019. Potential Effect of Migration Strategy on Pollutant Occurrence in Eggs of Arctic Breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis). Environmental Sciences & Technology, 7;53(9): 5535-5435.

         Kölzsch, A., G. J. D. M. Müskens, P. Szinai, S. Moonen, P. Glazov, H. Kruckenberg, M. Wikelski, and B. A. Nolet. Flyway Connectivity and Exchange Primarily Driven by Moult Migration in Geese. Movement Ecology 7, no. 1 (2019).

Kruckenberg, H. (2019). Large-scale egg-dumping by island nesting Greylag Geese Anser  anser: an indication of density-depended regulation in a breeding population in northwest Lowe Saxony, Germany. Wildfowl. 69, 221-229. Link

Kruckenberg, H. (2019). Zugvogel Newsletter 02/2019. Institute for Wetlands and Waterbird Research and Fachgruppe Gänseökologie der Deutschen OrnithologenGesellschaft (DO-G). Link

         Lameris, Thomas K., Margje E. de Jong, Michiel P. Boom, Henk P. van der Jeugd, Konstantin E. Litvin, Maarten J. J. E. Loonen, Bart A. Nolet, and Jouke Prop. Climate Warming May Affect the Optimal Timing of Reproduction for Migratory Geese Differently in the Low and High Arctic. Oecologia 191, no. 4 (December 2019): 1003–14.

Madsen, J., C. Jaspers, J. Frikke, O. M. Gundersen, B. A. Nolet, K. Nolet, K. H. T. Schreven, C. Sonne, and P. P. de Vries. A Gloomy Future for Light-Bellied Brent Geese in Tusenøyane, Svalbard, under a Changing Predator Regime. Polar Research 38 (2019).

Montràs-Janer, T., Knape, J., Nilsson, L., Tombre, I., Pärt, T. & Månsson, J. (2019). Relating national levels of crop damage to the abundance of large grazing birds: implications for management. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 2286-2297. Link

Nilsson L. (2019) Staging and wintering Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis fabalis in south Sweden 2016/17 - 2018/19. AEWA/EGMP Report.  Link 

Tombre, I. M., Oudman, T., Shimmings, P., Griffin, L., & Prop, J. (2019). Northward range expansion in spring‐staging barnacle geese is a response to climate change and population growth, mediated by individual experience. Global change biology, 25(11), 3680-3693. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14793

Williams, J. H., Balsby, T. J., Nielsen, H. Ø., Asferg, T., & Madsen, J. (2019). Managing geese with recreational hunters?. Ambio, 48(3), 217-229. doi: 10.1007/s13280-018-1070-7

2018 Publications

Bakker, E. S., Veen, C., ter Heerdt, G., Huig, N., & Sarneel, J. (2018). High grazing pressure of geese threatens conservation and restoration of reed belts. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 1649. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01649 

         Bauer, Silke, Simeon Lisovski, Ramona J. F.M. Eikelenboom-Kil, Mitra Shariati, and Bart A. Nolet. Shooting May Aggravate Rather than Alleviate Conflicts between Migratory Geese and Agriculture. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, no. 6 (2018): 2653–62.

Clausen, K. K., Madsen, J., Cottaar, F., Kuijken, E., & Verscheure, C. (2018). Highly dynamic wintering strategies in migratory geese: Coping with environmental change. Global change biology, 24(7), 3214-3225. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14061

Clausen, K. K., Madsen, J., Nolet, B. A., & Haugaard, L. (2018). Maize stubble as foraging habitat for wintering geese and swans in northern Europe. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 259, 72-76. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2018.03.002

        Dokter, A. M., W. Fokkema, B. S. Ebbinge, H. Olff, H. P. van der Jeugd, and B. A. Nolet. Agricultural Pastures Challenge the Attractiveness of Natural Saltmarsh for a Migratory Goose. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, no. 6 (2018): 2707–18.

Dokter, Adriaan M, Wimke Fokkema, Steven K. Bekker, Willem Bouten, Barwolt S. Ebbinge, Gerard Müskens, Han Olff, Henk P. van der Jeugd, and Bart A Nolet. Body Stores Persist as Fitness Correlate in a Long-Distance Migrant Released from Food Constraints. Behavioral Ecology 29, no. 5 (2018): 1157–66.

Holmgaard, S. B., Tombre, I. M. & Eythórsson, E. (2018). Hunter Opinions on the Management of Migratory Geese: a Case of Stakeholder Involvement in Adaptive Harvest Management. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23 (3): 284-292. Link

Kruckenberg, H. (2018). Zugvogel Newsletter 01/2018. Institute for Wetlands and Waterbird Research and Fachgruppe Gänseökologie der Deutschen OrnithologenGesellschaft (DO-G). Link

         Lameris, T. K., H. P. van der Jeugd, G. Eichhorn, A. M. Dokter, W. Bouten, M. P. Boom, K. E. Litvin, B. J. Ens, and B. A. Nolet. Arctic Geese Tune Migration to a Warming Climate but Still Suffer from a Phenological Mismatch. Current Biology 28, no. 15 (2018): 2467–73.

Lameris, T. K., G. J. D. M. Müskens, A. Kölzsch, A. M. Dokter, H. P. van der Jeugd, and B. A. Nolet. Effects of Harness-Attached Tracking Devices on Survival, Migration, and Reproduction in Three Species of Migratory Waterfowl. Animal Biotelemetry 6 (2018).

Johnson, F. A., Alhainen, M., Fox, A. D., Madsen, J., & Guillemain, M. (2018). Making do with less: must sparse data preclude informed harvest strategies for European waterbirds?. Ecological applications, 28(2), 427-441. doi: 10.1002/eap.1659

Pujolar, J. M., Dalén, L., Olsen, R. A., Hansen, M. M., & Madsen, J. (2018). First de novo whole genome sequencing and assembly of the pink-footed goose. Genomics, 110(2), 75-79. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2017.08.008

Розенфельд, С. Б., Замятин, Д. О., Ванжелюв, Д., Киртаев, Г. В., Рогова, Н. В., Као, Л., & Поповкина, А. Б. (2018). ЛЕСНОЙ ГУМЕННИК В ЯМАЛО-НЕНЕЦКОМ АВТОНОМНОМ ОКРУГЕ. Казарка: бюллетень Рабочей группы по гусеобразным Северной Евразии, (20), 28-52. Link

Williams, J. H., Topping, C. J., Dalby, L., Clausen, K. K., & Madsen, J. (2018). Where to go goose hunting? Using pattern-oriented modeling to better understand human decision processes. Human dimensions of wildlife, 23(6), 533-551. doi: 10.1080/10871209.2018.1509249

2017 Publications

Baveco, J. M., Bergjord, A. K., Bjerke, J. W., Chudzińska, M. E., Pellissier, L., Simonsen, C. E., Madsen J., Tombre, I.M., Nolet, B. A. (2017). Combining modelling tools to evaluate a goose management scheme. Ambio, 46(2), 210-223. doi: 10.1007/s13280-017-0899-5

Christensen, T. K., Madsen, J., Asferg, T., Hounisen, J. P., & Haugaard, L. (2017). Assessing hunters’ ability to identify shot geese: Implications for hunting bag accuracy. European journal of wildlife research, 63(1), 20. doi: 10.1007/s10344-017-1080-y

Clausen, K. K., Christensen, T. K., Gundersen, O. M., & Madsen, J. (2017). Impact of hunting along the migration corridor of pink‐footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus–implications for sustainable harvest management. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(5), 1563-1570. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12850

Clausen, K. K., Holm, T. E., Haugaard, L., & Madsen, J. (2017). Crippling ratio: A novel approach to assess hunting-induced wounding of wild animals. Ecological indicators, 80, 242-246. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.05.044

Eythórsson, E., Tombre, I. M., & Madsen, J. (2017). Goose management schemes to resolve conflicts with agriculture: Theory, practice and effects. Ambio, 46(2), 231-240.  doi: 10.1007/s13280-016-0884-4

Fox, A. D., Elmberg, J., Tombre, I. M. & Hessel, R. 2017. Agriculture and herbivorous waterfowl: a review of the scientific basis for improved management. Biological Reviews 92: 854-877. Link

Gundersen, O. M., Clausen, K. K., & Madsen, J. (2017). Body Mass Dynamics of Pink-Footed Geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) During Stopover on Autumn Migration in Norway. Waterbirds, 40(4), 353-363. doi: 10.1675/063.040.0407

Hessen, D. O., Tombre, I. M., van Geest, G. & Alfsnes, K. (2017). Global change and ecosystem connectivity; How geese link fields of central Europe to eutrophication of Arctic freshwaters. AMBIO 46: 40-47. Link

Jensen, G. H., Pellissier, L., Tombre, I. M., & Madsen, J. (2017). Landscape selection by migratory geese: implications for hunting organisation. Wildlife Biology, 2017(17). doi: 10.2981/wlb.00192

Klaassen, M., Hahn, S., Korthals, H., & Madsen, J. (2017). Eggs brought in from afar: Svalbard‐breeding pink‐footed geese can fly their eggs across the Barents Sea. Journal of avian biology, 48(1), 173-179. doi: 10.5061/10.5061/dryad.5p251

         Lameris, Thomas K., Ilse Scholten, Silke Bauer, Marleen M. P. Cobben, Bruno J. Ens, and Bart A. Nolet. Potential for an Arctic-Breeding Migratory Bird to Adjust Spring Migration Phenology to Arctic Amplification. Global Change Biology 23, no. 10 (2017): 4058–67.

Madsen, J., Williams, J. H., Johnson, F. A., Tombre, I. M., Dereliev, S., & Kuijken, E. (2017). Implementation of the first adaptive management plan for a European migratory waterbird population: The case of the Svalbard pink-footed goose Anser brachyrhynchusAmbio, 46(2), 275-289. doi: 10.1007/s13280-016-0888-0

Olsen, A. K. B., Bjerke, J. W. & Tombre, I.M.  2017. Yield reductions in agricultural grasslands in Norway after springtime grazing by pink-footed geese. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1836-1746. Link

Pujolar, J. M., Dalén, L., Hansen, M. M., & Madsen, J. (2017). Demographic inference from whole‐genome and RAD sequencing data suggests alternating human impacts on goose populations since the last ice age. Molecular ecology, 26(22), 6270-6283.doi: 10.1111/mec.14374

Simonsen, C. E., Tombre, I. M., & Madsen, J. (2017). Scaring as a tool to alleviate crop damage by geese: Revealing differences between farmers’ perceptions and the scale of the problem. Ambio, 46(2), 319-327. doi: 10.1007/s13280-016-0891-5

Stroud, D. A., Madsen, J., & Fox, A. D. (2017). Key actions towards the sustainable management of European geese. Ambio, 46(2), 328-338. doi: 10.1007/s13280-017-0903-0

2016 Publications

Anderson, H. B., Speed, J. D., Madsen, J., Pedersen, Å. Ø., Tombre, I. M., & Van Der Wal, R. (2016). Late snow melt moderates herbivore disturbance of the Arctic tundra. Ecoscience, 23(1-2), 29-39. doi: 10.1080/11956860.2016.1212684

Clausen, K. K., & Madsen, J. (2016). Philopatry in a changing world: response of pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus to the loss of a key autumn staging area due to restoration of Filsø Lake, Denmark. Journal of Ornithology, 157(1), 229-237. doi: 10.1007/s10336-015-1271-9

Chudzińska, Magda E., Jacob Nabe-Nielsen, Bart A. Nolet, and Jesper Madsen. Foraging Behaviour and Fuel Accumulation of Capital Breeders during Spring Migration as Derived from a Combination of Satellite- and Ground-Based Observations. Journal of Avian Biology 47 (2016): 563–74.

Fouw, J. de, R. A. Bom, R. H. G. Klaassen, G. J. D. M. Müskens, P. P. de Vries, Y. I. Kokorev, B. S. Ebbinge, and B. A. Nolet. Breeding in a Den of Thieves: Pros and Cons of Nesting Close to Egg Predators. Ecosphere 7, no. 6 (2016): e01353.

         Kölzsch, A., M. Neefjes, J. Barkway, G. J. D. M. Müskens, F. van Langevelde, W. F. de Boer, H. H. T. Prins, B. H. Cresswell, and B. A. Nolet. Neckband or Backpack? Differences in Tag Design and Their Effects on GPS/Accelerometer Tracking Results in Large Waterbirds. Animal Biotelemetry 4 (2016): 13.

Kölzsch, Andrea, Gerard J. D. M. Müskens, Helmut Kruckenberg, Peter Glazov, Rolf Weinzierl, Bart A. Nolet, and Martin Wikelski. Towards a New Understanding of Migration Timing: Slower Spring than Autumn Migration in Geese Reflects Different Decision Rules for Stopover Use and Departure. Oikos 125, no. 10 (2016): 1496–1507.

Jensen, G.H., Madsen, J. & Tombre, I.M. 2016. Hunting migratory geese: Is there an optimal practice? Wildlife Biology, 22:194-203. doi: 10.2981/wlb.00162 

Jensen, G.H., Tombre, I.M. & Madsen, J. 2016. Environmental factors affecting numbers of pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus utilising an autumn stopover site. Wildlife Biology, 22:183-193. doi: 10.2981/wlb.00161

Madsen, J., Clausen, K. K., Christensen, T. K., & Johnson, F. A. (2016). Regulation of the hunting season as a tool for adaptive harvest management—first results for pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus. Wildlife Biology, 22(5), 204-209. doi: 10.2981/wlb.00234

         Nolet, Bart A., Andrea Kölzsch, Michiel Elderenbosch, and Arie J. van Noordwijk. Scaring Waterfowl as a Management Tool: How Much More Do Geese Forage after Disturbance? Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2016): 1413–21.

Shariati-Najafabadi, Mitra, Roshanak Darvishzadeh, Andrew K. Skidmore, Andrea Kölzsch, Klaus-Michael Exo, Bart A. Nolet, Larry Griffin, et al. Environmental Parameters Linked to the Last Migratory Stage of Barnacle Geese En Route to Their Breeding Sites. Animal Behaviour 118 (2016): 81–95.

Simonsen, C. E., Madsen, J., Tombre, I. M., & Nabe‐Nielsen, J. (2016). Is it worthwhile scaring geese to alleviate damage to crops?–An experimental study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(3), 916-924. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12604

2015 Publications

Anderson, H. B., Madsen, J., Fuglei, E., Jensen, G. H., Woodin, S. J., & van der Wal, R. (2015). The dilemma of where to nest: influence of spring snow cover, food proximity and predator abundance on reproductive success of an arctic-breeding migratory herbivore is dependent on nesting habitat choice. Polar Biology, 38(2), 153-162. doi: 10.1007/s00300-014-1574-y

Clausen, K. K., Madsen, J., & Tombre, I. M. (2015). Carry-over or compensation? The impact of winter harshness and post-winter body condition on spring-fattening in a migratory goose species. PLoS One, 10(7), e0132312. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0132312 

Kölzsch, A., S. Bauer, R. de Boer, L. Griffin, D. Cabot, K.-M. Exo, H. P. van der Jeugd, and B. A. Nolet. Forecasting Spring from Afar? Timing of Migration and Predictability of Phenology along Different Migration Routes of an Avian Herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (2015): 272–83.

Madsen, J., Christensen, T. K., Balsby, T. J., & Tombre, I. M. (2015). Could have gone wrong: effects of abrupt changes in migratory behaviour on harvest in a waterbird population. PLoS One, 10(8), e0135100. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135100

Shariati Najafabadi, Mitra, Roshanak Darvishzadeh, Andrew K. Skidmore, Andrea Kölzsch, Anton Vrieling, Bart A. Nolet, Klaus-Michael Exo, et al. Satellite- versus Temperature-Derived Green Wave Indices for Predicting the Timing of Spring Migration of Avian Herbivores. Ecological Indicators 58 (2015): 322–31.

Williams, B. K., & Johnson, F. A. (2015). Value of information in natural resource management: technical developments and application to pink‐footed geese. Ecology and Evolution, 5(2), 466-474. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1363

2014 Publications

Bjerke, J. W., Bergjord, A.K., Tombre, I. M. & Madsen, J. (2014). Reduced dairy grassland yields in Central Norway after a single springtime grazing event by pink-footed geese. Grass and Forage Science 69: 129-139. Link

Clausen, K. K., & Madsen, J. (2014). Effects of neckbands on body condition of migratory geese. Journal of ornithology, 155(4), 951-958. doi: 10.1007/s10336-014-1080-6

Jensen, G. H., Madsen, J., Johnson, F. A., & Tamstorf, M. P. (2014). Snow conditions as an estimator of the breeding output in high-Arctic pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchusPolar Biology, 37(1), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s00300-013-1404-7

Johnson, F. A., Jensen, G. H., Madsen, J., & Williams, B. K. (2014). Uncertainty, robustness, and the value of information in managing an expanding Arctic goose population. Ecological Modelling, 273, 186-199. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.10.031

Madsen, J., Bjerrum, M., & Tombre, I. M. (2014). Regional management of farmland feeding geese using an ecological prioritization tool. Ambio, 43(6), 801-809. doi: 10.1007/s13280-014-0515-x

Madsen, J., Tjørnløv, R. S., Frederiksen, M., Mitchell, C., & Sigfússon, A. T. (2014). Connectivity between flyway populations of waterbirds: assessment of rates of exchange, their causes and consequences. Journal of applied ecology, 51(1), 183-193. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12183

2013 Publications 

Nolet, B. A., S. Bauer, N. Feige, Y. I. Kokorev, I. Yu Popov, and B. S. Ebbinge. Faltering Lemming Cycles Reduce Productivity and Population Size of a Migratory Arctic Goose Species. Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (2013): 804–13.

Pedersen, Å. Ø., Speed, J. D. M. & Tombre, I.M. (2013). Prevalence of pink-footed goose grubbing in the arctic tundra increases with population expansion. Polar Biology 36:1569-1575. Link

Pedersen, Å. Ø., Tombre, I. M., Eidesen, P. B., Fuglei, E., Jepsen, J. & Stien, A. (2013). Spatial patterns of goose grubbing suggest elevated grubbing in dry habitats linked to early snow melt. Polar Research 32, 19719. Link

Shariatinajafabadi, Mitra, Tiejun Wang, Andrew K. Skidmore, Albertus G. Toxopeus, Andrea Kölzsch, Bart A. Nolet, Klaus-Michael Exo, Larry Griffin, Julia Stahl, and David Cabot. Migratory Herbivorous Waterfowl Track Satellite-Derived Green Wave Index. PLoS ONE 9, no. 9 (2014): e108331.

Tombre, I. M. Eythórsson, E. & Madsen J. (2013). Stakeholder involvement in adaptive goose management; case studies and experiences from Norway. Ornis Norvegica 36: 17-24. Link

Tombre I.M., Eythórsson E., Madsen J. (2013) Towards a Solution to the Goose-Agriculture Conflict in North Norway, 1988–2012: The Interplay between Policy, Stakeholder Influence and Goose Population Dynamics. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71912. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071912

Williams J.H., Madsen J. (2013) Stakeholder Perspectives and Values when Setting Waterbird Population Targets: Implications for Flyway Management Planning in a European Context. PLoS ONE 8(11): e81836. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081836


