NatureScot Discloses Greenland Barnacle Goose Census Results
NatureScot Discloses Greenland Barnacle Goose Census Results
5 February 2025
NatureScot has published the results of the International Census of Greenland Barnacle Goose in Great Britain and Ireland for 2020 and 2023.
Main findings include:
- A ground and aerial survey of Greenland barnacle geese in Scotland in February 2023 foundĀ 48.332 birds, a decline of 16.9% compared to counts made in March 2020.
- Including counts from Ireland, the total population count in 2023 was 62.159 geese, which represents a 15.3% decline from the previous census in March 2020 when 73.391 geese were counted.
- Due to poor weather conditions, the aerial survey in Scotland was undertaken on 26-27 February 2023. Ground counts were mostly undertaken between 18 and 26 February 2023. In Ireland, the count was largely conducted on 23-24 February. Coverage was thought to be good in both countries.
The reports can be downloaded below:
An Integrated Population Model (IPM) of the Greenland Barnacle Goose and management recommendations are available in the 2024 Population Status and Offtake Assessment Report presented at the 9th Meeting of the AEWA European Goose Management International Working Group (EGM IWG9).